Monday 12 November 2012

Role of horticultural crops in human nutrition

            From human nutrition point of view horticulture is most important to our daily living. 
Many of the horticulture crops and their products find place in our meals and diet. 
Human body requires vitamins, minerals, proteins, energy etc. for its health. All these 
are supplied by horticultural crops. Fruits and vegetables are the chief sources of 
vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, proteins etc. 
Fruits and vegetables are recognized as protective foods as they are necessary for 
the maintenance of human health.

Vitamins:  These are the important constituents of fruits and vegetables and are 
indispensable part of human diet. Although required in very minute quantities, they are 
absolutely essential for the maintenance of health. The deficiency of any vitamin from 
the diet for considerable period may  lead to diseased state or disorder conditions. 
Fruits and vegetables supply several vitamins.

Calcium: It is essential for development of bones regulation of heartbeat, controlling blood 
Sources:  Fruits- Acid lime, Orange, Fig, Dried apricots, wood apple etc. VegetablesCabbage, greens, beans, carrot, onions, peas, tomatoes, agati, spinach drumstick 
leaves etc.
Iron: It is required for production of haemoglobin and it is constituent of red blood 
corpuscles. Its deficiency causes anaemia, smooth tongue, pale lips, eyes and skin 
and frequent exhaustion.
Sources:  Fruits- Custard apple, Guava, Pineapple, Straw berry, Grape, Black 
currents, dried dates etc. and vegetables like Carrot, Drumstick leaves, beans and agati 
Phosphorous: It is essential for maintaining the moisture content of tissues and for 
development of bones.
Sources: Fruits-Guava, Grape, Jackfruit, Passion fruit, Orange and vegetables like 
Carrot, Chilli,  Drumstick leaves, Beans, cucumber and  onion.
Proteins: These are bodybuilding foods. These are essential for growth of the body. 
The deficiency of proteins in the body causes retarded growth and increases 
susceptibility to diseases and causes lethargy.
Sources: Fruits- Most of the fruits are low in proteins except Guava and Banana. 
Vegetables like peas and beans are rich in proteins.
Enzymes: These are required for controlling several metabolic activities in the body.
Sources: Papaya-Papain and Pineapple-Bromelin.
Fibre and roughages (Cellulose and pectin):  Fruits and vegetables supply 
roughages These are required for digestion and prevention of constipation.
Sources: Fruits contain low content of fibre. Guava and anola are better sources 
compared to other fruits. Leafy vegetables are rich in fibre content


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